Each of the Primal Shapes belongs to a higher group of complexity.
The major shapes aquired this way are listed below

4 Cubes
There are 8 possible ways to connect 4 Cubes.
The one displayed here being the most eleagant one

4 Stars
There are 9 ways of connecting 4 Stars. The most harmonious one can be seen here. It has a has a hollow inside.

4 Hives
There exist 17 ways of combining 4 Hives. It can fall into 2 different major shapes. The one displayed here and the same as the one created by 4 Stars

4 UFOs
4 UFOs can be combined in 34 different ways. As it is the case with the hive, it can fall into 2 different major shapes. Putting the outsides together one creates a big dome as can be seen here

The Pyramid
The second possible combination of 4 UFOs is shown here. This is the most stable of the Basic Structures with most magnets pulling it together.

4 Rings
One of the few shapes that pose a challenge to their assembly. Only when one combines all 4 shapes will the structure become stable.
Difficulty **