Why is it special?
During my whole journey and exploration of Geometry, I have not found a more magical tool to discover the hidden dimension of Structure and Space then the GeoCubes.
It fuses characteristics of some of the most succesfull toys.
The stackability of Lego, the magnetic properties of Magnatiles and the complex "riddle"-aspekt of a Rubics Cube
Combining simplicity and complexity
Combining individuality and collectivism
And most important in my opinion is the experience of geometric Values and Proportions through a tactile experience.
As a toy it invites to touch, transform and experiment.
As a game, the Cube possesses different challenges. On one side, the Riddle to unlock the different shapes and on the other, to find the paths of shortest movement between them.
As Art it can be left standing, or with the use of wall mounts be displayed on the wall or as a hanging object.
A single Cube, shows how the same space can form different configurations of shapes. When putting 4 together, one can discover the unfolding of the cubic crystalline structure, one that is a basic and ever present building system of Nature, ranging from the formation of Rock Salt Crystals to the arrangement of the Honeycombs in a Beehive.
The mathematical beauty of this dissection, displayed in Numbers, can be seen in the different side lengths of a Single Pyramid.
Namely: Square root of One, Sqare root of Two and Half Square root of Three.
Other appearances of the Cube
Cutting a cube along its diagonals and this way creating a 12 piece puzzle has been done by likeminded spirits for a long time. The Cube is one of (if not the most) primal Shape there is.
According to my research, the dissection and hinging of the Cube in a way that is used for the Geocubes has been around for at least half a century.
Playing and reproducing for personal use is one thing. To bring it to a production level is another. Two cases of where people have done that I would like to mention here:
The CubusX is a Cube transformation that uses no magnets. It has been around for a long time and unfortunately is not produced anymore. But it can still be found on different shops on the internet. At a pricepoint of around 30$ I can highly recommend this product! Great handmade craftsmanship and functionality.
Yoshimoto Cube #2
The Yoshimoto Cube #2 is a Cube transformation that uses magnets in a similar way the GeoCubes do. After I had developed my first prototypes a friend sent me a link to this transformation and I was surprised that someone had already taken the step of including magnets more than 40 years ago! Being an aboslute fan of Geometric toys I was puzzled that I had not come across this one earlier. Probably due to the fact that it stands in the shadow of its more popular sibling, the Yoshimoto Cube #1

Id like to see my development as the next step of evolution of this amazing dissection/transformation.
It started as a dissection of the cube.
Next was the hinging that gave it a specific framework of movement.
After that followed the use of magents to help the major structures to fall into place.
My contribution is the standardization of the polarity and location of the magnets that enable the cubes to interact with one-another and allows shapes of higher comlexity to fall into place.
Currently I am holding a US Patent and a european "Gebrauchsmusterschutz" for the GeoCube.
I am looking forward to what this magical transformation holds in store for us in the future and who is going to take it even further :)
All the best and have fun exploring
Andreas Hoenigschmid
What is a GeoCube?
The GeoCube is a magnetic geometric puzzle. Each GeoCube consists of 12 magnetized Pyramids that are connected through hinges. The hinging allows the GeoCube to be transformed into more than 64 different shapes. The magnets allow it to lock into those shapes. Furthermore, the magnetism enables the GeoCubes to interact with one another to build Geometric Shapes of higher complexity.